An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University (AISHE ID: C-36540), Re-accredited (4th cycle) with "A" Grade by NAAC

Students Council

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The college employs the student’s representatives in academic and administrative bodies of the institution to instill a culture to assume responsibilities for planning and organizing the activities in an effective manner. Student representatives have been given responsible position as “student nominees” in Board of Studies (BoS).“Student coordinator” positions are being given to the students while organizing intercollegiate and other programs to assist and monitor hospitality of the inmates and participants from neighboring colleges. NSS leaders of the respective unit involve their subordinates in different service in the adopted villages around the college locality.Through the camps in villages, they get a chance to witness social problems in person. NCC cadets promote patriotism among the millennial by rendering their service during the observance of kargil and Flag day. During College day and Sports day, NSS leaders and NCC cadets were deputed to maintain and monitor disciplinary measures in the campus.

The “Class representatives” positions enable the students to develop “leadership skills”. The Sports day attains a special glamour by students involvement in monitoring the track, assuming the captainship of various houses, organizing matches and leading the march past and honoring the chief guest of the day.“Student leaders” from various clubs and Forum stand as a “role model” in blood donation, environmental protection and nurturing discipline to the rest of the students.Above all, Student Council is the primary student body by which the goals of student empowerment, development of leadership skills and community feeling are achieved. The Students' Council comprises of The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Joint-Secretary, Treasurer and a body of student representatives.Each department nominates one or two students to be the members of the Council and the members thus nominated elect the Office Bearers democratically by the process of Election.


  • The Students Council is a representative of the Students of the institution.
  • The primary aim of the council is to identify and help solve problems encountered by the students of the college.
  • The students’ council communicates its suggestions and opinions to the college administration on matters concerning the students as part of the Participative Management initiative of the institution.
  • The students’ council helps the college administration in organizing events in the campus by volunteering support and in event management.
  • The Students council is responsible for

ACTIVITIES (2019-20):

Title of the Activity Date Beneficiaries
Kalam Vision Programme 05-12-2019 Students
Friday Meet 24-01-2020Students
Build empathy and create dignity07-01-2020Students