An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University (AISHE ID: C-36540), Re-accredited (4th cycle) with "A" Grade by NAAC

Examination System

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The Madura College (Autonomous) is one of the very first Autonomous Colleges in India when Autonomy, as a concept, was conceived by the University Grants Commission in 1978. The Examination Section (Office of the Controller of Examinations), in its four decades of existence, has been the heart and brain of the conduct of Semester Examinations of our college. The Examination System has adapted itself to the need of the hour on every occasion in its history. Examination Reforms workshops are conducted frequently to discuss the need for any change in policy related to the conduct of Examinations. Such reforms are brought as resolutions in the Academic Council and adopted after detailed discussion.

The Work

  • Organization and Conduct of :
    • End-Semester Examinations – theory and practical.
    • Valuation of answer scripts.
    • Meetings on examination related matters.
  • Processing of results, announcement of results and printing of grade sheets.
  • Recommendation for award of degree from Madurai Kamaraj University.
  • Addressing grievances of administration, faculty, staff and students on examination related issues.
  • Planning and execution of all developmental activities of this Examination Section.
  • Examination fee collection, payment of fine and other examination related fees only through the online payment method with software support.
Controller Of Examinations
Dr. A. Xavier, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D.,
Deputy Controller Of Examinations
Dr. S. Karuppusamy M.Sc., F.I.A.T., Ph.D.,

The People

The Principal is the Chief Controller of Examinations and the ex-officio Chairman of all committees of the Examination Section. The day-to-day administration of the Examination Section is looked after by the Controller of Examinations, assisted by the Deputy Controller and Assistant Controller of Examinations and ably supported by support staff.

Dr. A. XAVIER M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D., Controller of Examinations
Dr. S. KARUPPUSAMY M.Sc., F.I.A.T., Ph.D., Deputy Controller of Examinations
Dr. S. GNAANA SARASWATHI M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Assistant Controller of Examinations
Mrs. P. GNANASOUNDARI B.Sc., B.L.I.Sc., Clerk
Mrs. A. PREMALATHA M.C.A., Clerk
Mrs. N. SUDHA B.Sc, D.F.N., Clerk
Mrs. M. S. POORNIMA D.E.C.E., Clerk
Mr. N. VIGNESH B.A., D.E.C.E., M.S.W., Clerk
Mrs. B. SUBATHRA B.A., Clerk
Mrs. S. MEENAKSHI M.Sc., Clerk
Mr. G. SRIDHARAN B.Com., Office Assistant
Assistant Controller of Examinations
Dr. S. Gnaana Saraswathi M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,

The Committees

There are several committees as mandated by the University Grants Commission and Madurai Kamaraj University which decide on the policy and administration of the Examination Section.

The Examination CellFraming of Examination policy
The Awards CommitteePassing the results of Semester Examinations
The Examination Discipline CommitteeEnquiry and award in Examination related malpractices

The Highlights

  • Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is followed as per TANSCHE norms.
  • Outcome Based Education (OBE) system is followed as per UGC norms for all UG courses from the academic year 2020-2021.
  • Students are evaluated based on their performance in Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and in End-Semester Examinations.
  • Recommendation for award of degree from Madurai Kamaraj University.
  • Each course is evaluated for 100 marks. Continuous Internal Assessment and End semester Exams have weightage of 25 marks and 75 marks respectively.
  • Tests, Assignment, Seminar/Quiz, Attendance are the various components of the CIA.
  • Single external valuation is followed for all UG courses in the End-Semester Examination.
  • Double valuation is followed for PG and M.Phil. in the End-Semester Examination, one by an Internal Examiner and the other by an External Examiner. If the difference between the two valuations differs by more than 15%, the paper is sent for third valuation and the average of the two nearest marks is awarded to the student. If the difference is less than 15%, the average of the two marks is awarded to the student.
  • The End-Semester Results are published in online within a stipulated time of completion of examinations after the approval of the Awards Committee.
  • Students have a facility for obtaining photocopy of the answer scripts and applying revaluation after the publication of results in every semester. The paper is valued by a single external examiner. The higher of the marks obtained in revaluation and the mark obtained in the original valuation is awarded to the student.
  • Students who have completed the programme (three years in UG and two years in PG) with outstanding arrears have a provision for Supplementary Examination. Students who have Reappearance in any number of courses in final semester and in a maximum of one paper in all the other semesters are eligible for appearing in supplementary examination. The valuation is done by a single external examiner and the mark obtained in the valuation is awarded to the student.
  • A Statement of Marks with several security features are issued to students.
  • The CoE office is fully automated with software support for all examination related activities.