An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University (AISHE ID: C-36540), Re-accredited (4th cycle) with "A" Grade by NAAC


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Training & Placement

The Training and Placement Cells play a crucial role in locating job opportunities for Under Graduates and Post Graduates passing out from the college by keeping in touch with reputed firms and industrial establishments. The mission of the placement team is to achieve maximum placements for students through dedication, attitude and complete involvement. The Placement Cell operates round the year to facilitate contacts between companies and graduates. The number of students placed through the campus interviews is continuously rising. On invitation, many reputed industries visit the institute to conduct interviews.

We have been successful in maintaining our high placement statistics over the years. The Training Cell organizes career guidance programmes for all the students and further it arranges several training programmes like Mock Interviews, Group Discussions, and Communication Skills etc. The Training Cell also organizes Public Sector Exam Trainings for students who are interested to join Government Sectors. It also invites HR Managers from different industries to conduct training programmes final year students.

Placement Cell Training and Career guidance Cell
Placement Officer:
Dr. M. Venkateswaran
Assistant Professor of Statistics

Joint Placement Officer :
Dr. S. Saravanan
Assistant Professor of Botany

Dr. S. Ramachandran
Assistant Professor of Commerce

Dr. M. Rabert
Assistant Professor of Statistics
Dr. A. Vignesh Kumar,
Assistant Professor of English

Dr. J. Sivasubramanian
Assistant Professor of Physics

Dr. S. Selvakumar
Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Dr. I. Padmavathi
Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Dr. R. Madhanagopal
Assistant Professor of Statistics

Dr. M. Bhavithra
Assistant Professor of English


  • To Increase Students’ confidence level through Training programmes like Employability Skill development Programmes, Entrepreneur Development programmes, etc.,
  • To motivate students to develop Technical knowledge and soft skills in terms of career planning, goal setting
  • To motivate students aspire for higher studies and guiding them to take competitive exams such as CAT, GATE, TOEFL, GRE, IES,UPSC,TNPSC etc.,
  • To Organize on-campus and off -campus interviews.
  • To enhance the level of Job ability Quotient among students.
  • To wipe-out the fear of Interview and Group Discussions through Mock Interviews and Mock Tests.
  • Aiming to Place the maximum number of students through campus & off-campus interviews conducted by the top companies

Activities of Training and Placement Cells

The students are trained to attain placement through a variety of programmes by the Placement & Training Cells such as:

  • Personality Development Program
  • Communication Skills Program
  • Group Discussion Practice
  • Entrepreneurship Development Program
  • Mock Interview Sessions
  • In plant Training
  • Various Training Programmes to train the students in the areas of Aptitude, Quantitative Reasoning, Logical Reasoning and Verbal through the Reputed External Training centers
  • Language learning programmes to train students in developing their communication skills
  • Public Sector Competitive Exams Training

Activities (2017 onwards)

Activity Date(s) Collaborating Agency/Resource person No.of participants trained
Banking awareness programme 07.09.2017 Indian institute of banking, Madurai 438 (Aided stream & 528 SF stream)
Banking awareness programme 10.10.2017 Raghams academy for career enhancement, Madurai 135 (Aided stream & 279 SF stream)
A snapshot on body language 11.11.2017 Mrs. Angel, Madurai 638
Entrepreneurship development programme 12.10.2017 & 13.10.2017 Small scale industries product promotions organization(SIPPO) 78
Medical coding 03.02.2018 to 10.02.2018 Efflugenz Informatics and Technotainments, Madurai 40
Bank coaching classes 10.02.2018 to 17.02.2018 Raghams academy for carrer enhancement 5
Medical coding (4 months) 12.12.2019 to 15.04.2019 Efflugenz Informatics and Technotainments, Madurai 10
Employability Skill Training (4 months) 10.01.2019 to 20.04.2019 Redington Employability Academy for Development, Redington Foundation, Madurai 12
Media Awareness Programme 08.02.2019 Thennadu Media Studies, Madurai 52
Career Counselling Program 26.09.2019 NSDC -SKILL SAATHI through PMKKs ( Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras). 98
ONE day workshop on Lean manufacturing and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) 08.12.2019 Hi-per consultancy services LLP, Madurai 02
Training for Competitive Examinations 27.09.2019 Balsu’s Success Academy, Madurai 71
Soft Skill Development Programme – Interview Skills 09.03.2020 Dr. Chandrabose, Assistant Professor of English, The Madura College 75
Soft Skill Development Programme -Communicative Skills 10.03.2020 Dr. Rajaram, Associate Professor of English, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai 80

Placement Statistics

Placement details of 2017-18
S.No Name of Company/Organization No. of students placed
1 Aagna Corporate Services Private Limited 3
2 Vedanta Sterlite Copper 1
3 Orchid Pharma Limited 8
4 The Sanmar Group 3
5 TCS,Chennai 1
6 Sterlite Copper, Tuticorin 2
Placement details of 2018-19
S.No Name of Company/Organization No. of students placed
1 Grameenkoota Financial Services 70
2 Alien Global Services 132
3 State Government 3

Key Recruiters


Placement Officer
The Madura College (Autonomous)
TPK Road, Vidya Nagar
Madurai – 625 011,Tamil Nadu, India.
(0452) 2673354